The Trust was founded in 2003 CE and named after an epithet of Imam-e- Asr, the Ultimate Saviour of the Humanity ( our souls be ransom to him ) . Its foundation was particularly to make every possible effort to impart right training to children and youths of the advanced age to elevate their academic quality
- Writing, compiling & Translating Islamic books in modern languages.
- Publishing of Religious, Training, Moral, BI-Monthly Urdu-Hindi (Reg.)
Mu’ammal Magazine. - Establishment of a Mu’ammal Islamic Education Center
- Conduct Sunday Dini Classes for Youth
- Short Term Classes
- Conducting seminars and academic Symposium on various occasions
- Book Reading and essay-making competitions
- Free medical camp for needy people
- To help in propagating the religious commandments.
- To establish Qur’anic Centers and Reading Rooms at different places as per need.